Nutrition Meets Food Science

Pearl Millet Brownies

The recipe ingredient ‘Herbalife Nutrition’s Active Fiber Complex’ was sponsored by Herbalife Nutrition for the recipe competition held at Mount Carmel College

Pearl Millet Brownies by- Samyukhta Alwar from Ramaiah College, Bangalore

Ingredients (For 2 Servings) Amount
Butter 100g
Eggs 4 nos
Pearl Millet  80g
Walnuts  80g
Protein Powder 7.5g
Chocolate 300g
Sugar 310g
Whole wheat flour 40g
Baking Powder 1g
Fibre Supplement 7.5g

Method of Preparation:

  1. Preheat the oven at 180 degree and line a baking trey with parchment paper.
  2. Melt the butter and sugar in a double boiler.
  3. Whisk the eggs with the sugar and add to the butter & chocolate mixture.
  4. Sieve the pearl millet flour, whole wheat flour, the protein and fibre supplement and the baking powder into the above mixture and fold it, Add walnuts in the end and bake at 180 degree for 45 minutes.

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